func optimizeAnealing(domainList [][2]int, costF func([]int) int64, t, cool float64, step int) []int {
var bestSchedule []int
r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
for _, domain := range domainList {
choice := r.Intn(domain[1] - domain[0]) + domain[0]
bestSchedule = append(bestSchedule, choice)
//Main loop
for (t > 0.1) {
//Choose one of the indices
i := r.Intn(len(domainList))
//Choose a direction to change it
dir := r.Intn(2*step) - step
//Create a new list with one of the values changed
newSchedule := make([]int, len(bestSchedule))
copy(newSchedule, bestSchedule)
newSchedule[i] += dir
if newSchedule[i] < domainList[i][0] {newSchedule[i] = domainList[i][0]}
if newSchedule[i] > domainList[i][1] {newSchedule[i] = domainList[i][1]}
//Calculate the current cost and the new cost
best := costF(bestSchedule)
cost := costF(newSchedule)
p := math.Exp(float64(-(cost-best))/t)
if cost < best || r.Float64() < p {
bestSchedule = newSchedule
t = t*cool
return bestSchedule