func optimizeGenetic(domainList [][2]int, costF func([]int) int64, mutProb, elite float64, popSize, maxIter, step int) []int {
popScheduleList := make([][]int, 0)
r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
//Build the initial population
for i := 0; i < popSize; i ++ {
var bestSchedule []int
for _, domain := range domainList {
choice := r.Intn(domain[1] - domain[0]) + domain[0]
bestSchedule = append(bestSchedule, choice)
popScheduleList = append(popScheduleList, bestSchedule)
fmt.Println("1", popScheduleList)
//How many winners from each generation?
topElite := int(elite*float64(popSize))
//Main loop
for i := 0; i < maxIter; i ++ {
fmt.Println("loop", i)
geneticScoreList := make(GeneticScoreList, 0)
for _, schedule := range popScheduleList {
score := costF(schedule)
geneticScoreList = append(geneticScoreList, GeneticScore{
Score: score,
Schedule: schedule,
//Start with the pure winners
popScheduleList = make([][]int, 0)
for j := 0; j < topElite; j ++ {
popScheduleList = append(popScheduleList, geneticScoreList[j].Schedule)
fmt.Println("sort", geneticScoreList[j].Score, geneticScoreList[j].Schedule)
//Add mutated and bred forms of the winners
for len(popScheduleList) < popSize {
p := r.Float64()
if p < mutProb {
c := r.Intn(topElite)
schedule := mutate(domainList, geneticScoreList[c].Schedule, r, step)
fmt.Println("mut", c, geneticScoreList[c].Schedule)
popScheduleList = append(popScheduleList, schedule)
} else {
c1 := r.Intn(topElite)
c2 := r.Intn(topElite)
schedule := crossover(domainList, geneticScoreList[c1].Schedule, geneticScoreList[c2].Schedule, r)
fmt.Println("cross", c1, c2, geneticScoreList[c1].Schedule, geneticScoreList[c2].Schedule, schedule)
popScheduleList = append(popScheduleList, schedule)
return popScheduleList[0]
type GeneticScore struct {
Score int64
Schedule []int
type GeneticScoreList []GeneticScore
func (p GeneticScoreList) Len() int { return len(p) }
func (p GeneticScoreList) Less(i, j int) bool { return p[i].Score < p[j].Score }
func (p GeneticScoreList) Swap(i, j int) { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }
//Mutation Operation
func mutate(domainList [][2]int, schedule []int, r *rand.Rand, step int) []int {
choice := r.Intn(len(domainList))
if r.Float64() < 0.5 && schedule[choice] - step >= domainList[choice][0] {
newSchedule := make([]int, len(schedule))
copy(newSchedule, schedule)
newSchedule[choice] = schedule[choice] - step
return newSchedule
} else if schedule[choice] + step <= domainList[choice][1] {
newSchedule := make([]int, len(schedule))
copy(newSchedule, schedule)
newSchedule[choice] = schedule[choice] + step
return newSchedule
} else {
return schedule
//Crossover Operation
func crossover(domainList [][2]int, schedule1, schedule2 []int, r *rand.Rand) []int {
choice := r.Intn(len(domainList))
fmt.Println("cross choice", choice)
newSchedule := make([]int, len(schedule1))
copy(newSchedule, schedule1)
copy(newSchedule[choice:], schedule2[choice:])
return newSchedule